Summer Diffuser Blends for Your Home

Summer Diffuser Blends for Your HomeSummer Diffuser Blends for Your Home

Our emotions are impacted by so many things, including our senses! The sense of smell is very powerful. My own well-being is one reason I love to use essentials oils in our home. I quit using toxic candles, room sprays and other scented products years ago and I can’t say enough about what a powerful difference that simple change made in my health and well-being.

I have found Young Living essential oils to be the highest quality, they have been so beneficial from scenting our home to cleaning and more. They are now my go-to choice as a replacement for so many other toxic products I used to use in our home.

One of my favorite uses for pure essential oils is to make my home smell amazing, without toxins from candles or sprays. Try diffusing these essential oil blends (below) this summer!

Starting this month you’ll be able to order whatever products and oils you want through a brand new YL website using my referral link, no kit will be required! The new website is not quite available yet but will be very soon! You’ll be able to access the new site this week if you are already a member. Plus with your order you’ll get all of the invites to the fun downloads, recipes, education and classes we offer through my group, The Dwell Well Collective. YAY!

This is truly amazing news, so I’m very excited to help more of you to get started on a natural path for your home and to experience the power of YL essential oils! Follow us at Dwell Well Collective on Instagram to learn more (PLUS when you order through my link you’ll get access to our private group Instagram and text education, too!).

Order essential oils, toxin-free household and personal care products with my referral here (my referral # is 3731456).

Summer Diffuser Blends for Your HomeSummer Diffuser Blends for Your Home

Toxin-Free Resources and Tips:

Order the pure oils, quality diffusers, and natural products I recommend here! You can also reactivate an old account with my member number #3731456 to get into or stay in my wellness group, Dwell Well Collective!

Questions or want suggestions for what to get for your own needs? Email me at or text me at 503-805-6457 if you have any questions or trouble ordering. I’m happy to personally help you!

Follow our Instagram @dwellwellcollective for simple ideas for a happy & healthy home

Summer Diffuser Blends for Your HomeSummer Diffuser Blends for Your Home

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